Personal Information Protection (Privacy) Policy

Allm Inc. (hereinafter referred collectively to as “We”, “Us”, “Our” or “the Company”) recognize the importance of protecting personal information and properly handle personal information handled by the Company in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines regarding the protection of personal information, and other related laws and regulations.

  • Compliance with laws and regulations

    We shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines stipulated by the government, and all other related laws and regulations.

  • Safety control measures

    We implement security measures, strive to prevent leakage, loss, falsification, unauthorized access, etc. to personal information, and store such information safely under strict control.

  • Acquisition and use of personal information

    When we acquire personal information, we shall specify the purpose of use as much as possible, only use it to the extent necessary for business, and only after disclosing the purpose of use to the public in advance and informing you in advance and obtaining your consent. Furthermore, we shall use it only to achieve the specified purpose of use and shall take measures to ensure not used for other purposes. For details on the purpose of use, please refer to “Handling of Personal Information” described as below.

  • Handling of complaints, consultation, disclosure, deletion, etc. of personal information

    When we receive any complaint or consultation from you regarding the handling of personal information, or if you wish to request the disclosure, correction, or deletion of your own personal information, we shall respond within the scope of what is reasonable and necessary.

  • Continuous review and improvement

    We shall periodically review our methods of managing personal information and the protection system in light of enactment of or amendments to laws and policies, and social changes. We shall continuously improve and maintain the personal information protection management system.

    *We may change our Personal Information Protection Policy to further protect your personal information, or to conform it in accordance with establishment, revision or abolition of laws and regulations.
    We may at any time revise our policy by posting it on our web site. Please check our current policy periodically.

Handling of Personal Information

The Company makes available the following information based upon the “JIS Q 15001 Personal Information Protection Management Systems – Requirements”.

  • The name and address of the business operator handling personal information, and the name of the representative in the case of a corporation.

    Address:Shibuya Mark City West 16F, 1-12-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, 150-0043 Tokyo Japan
    Company name: Allm Inc. (In Japan)
    Representative Director: Teppei Sakano

  • Name or title, affiliation, and contact details of the personal information protection manager (or their representative).

    Corporate Department – Kenji Ueki (contact via e-mail:

  • Purpose of use of personal information

    We may acquire personal information for the following purposes. Except in cases consented by you or mandated by law, we shall not use your personal information for any other purpose.

    • Personal information of users of our products and services

      1. To provide our products and services, and to execute contracts related to these products and services.
      2. To contact and provide information related to our products and services (including distribution of e-mail magazines).
      3. To conduct questionnaires and various surveys.
      4. To advertise the Company or third parties.
    • Personal information received from business partners (including potential business partners)

      1. To contact, execute contracts, and conduct business negotiations as necessary for business operations.
      2. To manage business partners’ information.
    • Personal information of applicants for employment (including personal information provided by recruitment agencies)

      1. To provide information, contact, and make notifications to applicants for employment.
      2. To determine whether an applicant has passed or failed the employment selection process.
    • Personal information received from shareholders

      1. To contact shareholders, send materials, etc., as necessary for business operations and to fulfill other obligations
    • Personal information concerning persons making inquiries

      1. To respond to inquiries and send requested materials.
    • Personal information related to contracted services

      1. To perform contracted services, to collect information necessary for business, and to communicate with customers.
  • Provision of personal information to third parties

    We shall not provide your personal information to any third party except in the following cases.

    1. With your consent.
    2. Mandated by laws and regulations.
    3. It is necessary to protect life, body, or property of a person, and it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the person in advance
    4. It is necessary to cooperate with the execution of the legally prescribed work of a national agency, local government, or an agent thereof, and obtaining consent of the person would risk hindering the execution of that work.
    5. Where a third party is an academic research institution, etc., and it is necessary for the third party to handle personal data for academic research purposes (including cases where part of the purpose of handling said personal information is for academic research purposes, but excluding cases where there is a risk of unreasonable infringement on the rights and interests of the data subjects).
  • Provision of anonymously processed information to third parties

    We use anonymously processed information provided by third parties such as medical institutions, nursing care facilities, review/payment agencies, research institutes, public institutions and health insurance associations. The purposes of our use of such information include development of products, and preparation and analysis of statistical information.

    In addition, we provide part of the anonymously processed information in our possession to third parties. The anonymously processed information we provide to third parties may contain the following information:

    1. Electronic statement of medical expenses (medical, nursing care, and DPC (or diagnosis procedure combination))
    2. Age, month of birth, sex, information related to physical description such as height and weight
    3. Information on medical treatment, nursing, and nursing care
    4. Information on medical checkups and examinations
    5. Clinical test values, images, and reports
    6. Information on patients’ symptoms and personal medical history
    7. Information on questionnaire records
    8. Other information that is reasonably considered to be related to any of the above information.
      However, upon our receipt of the above information from third parties such as medical institutions, personally identifiable information of patients is processed in the following manner. Please note that the above information does not include names, addresses, telephone numbers, or IDs.
    9. Date of birth: converted to month of birth
    10. ZIP code: converted to the first three (3) digits
    11. Information on various insurance certificates/cards: converted to an insurer number(*) *An insurer number is a number that identifies each health insurance provider.

    Methods of providing anonymously processed information to third parties

    1. Transmission via emails
    2. Provision in the form of storage media such as DVDs
    3. Downloading from servers that we operate and manage
    4. Uploading to servers operated and managed by third party recipients
  • Consignment of the handling of personal information

    We may outsource our work that includes the handling of personal information within the scope of use prescribed in Paragraph 3 to contractors with whom we have entered into a confidentiality agreement. We shall select contractors that meet our standards for the handling of personal information, periodically manage and supervise those contractors, and protect personal information in collaboration with those external contractors.

  • Disclosure of personal information

    We shall respond to disclosure requests for disclosure if the personal information falls under the category of retained personal data. For details on applying for disclosure, please refer to the “Disclosure Request Procedures”.

  • Optional nature of providing personal information

    Provision of personal information is voluntary. However, not providing personal information may disable us to respond or provide services.

  • Use of cookies

    Portions of this web site and mobile applications adopt a technology called a “Cookie”. Cookies are a mechanism by which specified information is stored on your communication device as a file so that you can be identified based on that file whenever you connect to the web site. This aims to provide better services and not to acquire information that can be used to identify you as an individual. Please note that you may disable cookies using the settings in your browsers, but this will render a portion of the services unavailable.

  • Security control measures for personal information

    In order to handle personal information strictly, we have taken appropriate safety control measures to prevent personal information we collected from loss, falsification, leakage, etc., and we have exercised necessary and appropriate supervision over our employees in accordance with JIS Q 15001.

    In order to handle personal information appropriately, we have implemented security control measures: basic policy, rules for handling personal information, organizational security measures, personnel security measures, physical security measures, technical security measures, and understanding external environments, etc., have been implemented.

    For specific safety control measures, please contact the “Counter for inquiries regarding personal information” below.

Inquiries regarding personal information

Please contact the following with any opinions, questions, or complaints regarding our handling of personal information. Please kindly note that we cannot accept inquiries made by directly visiting our Company.

Personal Information Inquiry Desk, Allm Inc.
Postal address; Shibuya Mark City West 16F, 1-12-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, 150-0043 Tokyo Japan

Procedures to request disclosure

We shall respond to the following requests for disclosure (including disclosure of records provided to third parties), correction, addition, deletion, or veto of use or provision (hereinafter, “disclosure”) based on a request made by you or your attorney in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Please kindly note that disclosure requests by our customers using our products and services will also be responded to as much as possible by contacting each service, even if the customer does not follow the procedures described as below.

  • Personal information subject to disclosure requests

    For disclosure requests, please specify the retained personal data that is the subject of the request (name; address; telephone number; employment information, including work place, position, job title; and e-mail address).

    However, in the following cases disclosure may not be possible. In those cases, you shall be notified without delay.

    1. In case we are acting as a contractor and do not have the right to disclose the information.
    2. In case it is likely to cause significant hindrance to the proper execution of our business.
    3. In case it is likely to cause damage to life, body, property, or other rights and interests of you or any third party.
    4. In case the disclosure would violate the laws and regulations.
  • Contact information for disclosure requests

    Making a disclosure request, please enclose the prescribed application form, necessary documents, and fee and then send it to the address described in the section “Inquiries regarding personal information”. (Please note that we cannot accept a request except for the above procedure.) Please write “Contains disclosure request documents” in red ink on the envelope.

  • Documents (forms) to be submitted for disclosure requests

    Please download the form, fill in all of the specified items, and include the following documents:

    1. Application form for disclosure
    2. Identifying document (One copy of either document; a Certificate of Items Stated in Resident Register, health insurance card, or passport)
  • Documents (forms) to be submitted by an attorney for disclosure requests

    Please download the form, fill in all of the specified items, and include the following documents:

    1. Application form for disclosure
    2. Identifying document (One copy of either document; a Certificate of Items Stated in Resident Register, health insurance card, or passport)
    3. Prescribed power of attorney related to the disclosure of personal information, and the document should be affixed the registered seal. In case it is not possible to prepare a power of attorney, an equivalent alternative document.
    4. A seal registration certificate affixed on the power of attorney (within three months from the date of issue)
  • Fees and payment methods for requests for disclosure, etc.

    Only in the case of a request for notification and disclosure of the purpose of use of personal information, please enclose 1,000 yen worth of postage stamps with the application form for each application (including the cost of registered postage for a reply from us).

  • Method of response to disclosure requests

    After identity verification, we will respond to the request by sending an electromagnetic record as an attachment to an e-mail or by delivering a written document, depending on the your request. However, if you do not specify the method, we will respond in writing.

    It will take at least two weeks to respond to a disclosure request. Please kindly note that the response may be even further delayed due to our business circumstances.

  • Purpose of use of personal information acquired through disclosure requests

    Regarding personal information acquired through disclosure requests, we will use it only within the scope necessary to confirm the identity of you or your attorney, to contact, and to respond to the disclosure request.

    We will preserve the submitted documents for one year after the completion of the disclosure request, and after the expiration of the period, we will dispose them according to the appropriate procedure.

  • Non-disclosure of retained personal data

    Information will not be disclosed in the following cases. If we make the decision that information shall not be disclosed, we will inform you with the reason for it. Please kindly note that the specified fee is charged even in cases of non-disclosure.

    1. If we cannot confirm personal identification because of the discrepancy between address on the application and the personal identification documents, or our records.
    2. If we cannot confirm the authority of representation by the submitted power of attorney.
    3. If the specified application form is incomplete or defective.
    4. If the fee is insufficient or has not been enclosed.
    5. If the request does not correspond to the retained personal data.
    6. If it is likely to cause damage to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of you or any third parties.
    7. If it is likely to seriously impede the proper execution of our business.
    8. If it otherwise violates laws or regulations.

Teppei Sakano

Representative Director of Allm Inc.

Date enacted:
January 4th, 2006
Last revision:
December 24th 2024