Patient recruitment
Get better medicines faster
Enroll is a patient recruitment service that facilitates the discovery and inclusion of patients by sharing information among medical institutions through a regional medical network via Join.
Its eligibility checklist and medical images are shared via Join to support patient referrals and consultations. Enroll facilitates patient discovery and inclusion from the development phase of drugs and medical devices and the system can be used not only in the clinical trial phase, but also in the post-marketing phase.

Improve the quality of patient referrals
Eligibility checklist streamlines pre-consultation and ensures referrals of patients with high diagnostic and treatment potential.
Streamline exam and medical consultation
DXing of study protocols, practice guidelines, etc. will promote physician work efficiency.
Enroll app features
The Enroll app is a checklist that determines case eligibility based on the applicability and exclusion criteria set forth in the study protocol/practice guidelines. A notification function allows you to receive updates at any time.
Information sharing through the Join app
The Join app for communication between medical professionals enables smooth sharing of case information between medical institutions by sending not only text information but also complex information such as medical images, photos, and videos.